This is a complicated, internecine, and political issue.

The fact that the Carthaginians were related, by blood, to the up and coming Romanic dynasty, creates much more implicit relationships, exacerbated by Trade.

I am not clear on your positions, regarding eugenics, but you example of killing the weak is, to my mind, not negative; in the modern world, killing ANY life in the womb, would be the greater sin against a people, and your contrast of 'child sacrifice' by the Carthaginians, is not solid historical fact, although there are certain extant examples, and I have seen some compelling evidence that these practices were, in fact practiced, at least on local, or regional territories, to qualify as a talking point.

I submit, that it is the relationship between the two empires, was one of genetic similarity, which had evolved, over time, away from each other, promoted a trade dispute, which Carthage had manifestly dominated, and promoted a similar jealousy, such as we saw in the internecine wars between the European peoples of Europa and America. This similarity cannot be discounted.

Your analysis is good, and in its synoptic fashion, will provide a very good discussion.

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