Exceptional essay.

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Eugenics? We civilized people in the west just flood our countries with 70 iq africans, works out great as everyone can see. And if anyone disagrees or wants to improve the genetic quality of his people, just call him a nazi. Problem fixed.

On a more serious note: dysgenics is a very real problem. Ignore it, and your society will degrade and lose to societies more willing to practise eugenics.

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My mother had a "genetic" disease which caused her to need hemodialysis 3x a week at a cost of $80,000 per year, covered by medicare before she was retirement age, and then after, for a total of 22 years. My father later told me that had they known, they definitely wouldn't have had kids. Interesting factoid: Neither of my mother's parents had the disease, her siblings didn't have it, and neither I nor my sister have it. We're currently in our 60s and 70s. Let's not be too hasty about believing what MDs and actual scientists have to say about genetics. Bad genes do not necessarily lead to a bad outcome. And genetic mutations happen for many reasons, some random, which can lead to bad outcomes. I say live and let live. And deal with consequences as they arise, doing one's best at all times.

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Thank you! A valuable contribution to the preservation of our history.

Ever hear of the "Mouse Utopia" experiment, where mice were given a "perfect" environment, free of predation and disease? Within a short number of generations the colony collapsed completely, due to the proliferation of harmful mutations. "Spiteful Mutants" was one name for the dysgenic results of turning off natural selection. My summary video on the subject https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnWSG8vDqK8 (clipped from the work of better men than me).

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Great article. Just a tidbit on the pater familias. I think the role is more grandfatherly than you show here, as multi generational households where the norm. So instead of looking at a young father and his own children, we may imagine an older grandfather taking these decisions on behalf of his grand children.

In this case, the childs father would in most cases not be making these decisions, but subject to the will of dad.

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The Nazi leveraged eugenics thinking as well and see how that played out.

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Romans unlike Jews , left infants to die. Greeks did this infanticide also. Long before "Christians," rescued babies abandoned, Jews were setting a high moral by also not killing their infants and children. In Judaism it is universally regarded that saving one life is akin to saving all lives in G-d's creation and taking one life is akin to taking all lives ,... Life to the Jewish culture has always been sacred. Not so to Romans , Greeks, Philistines(or modern day 'palestinians').

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What is the Greek word translated as 'heathen' in the Plutarch quote?

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“… some decision must be taken for the good for the people.”

And you’re just the right person to take those decisions, right?

Every horror of the 20th century began with people like you. On the positive side, people like you sooner or later run into people who are even more certain and more ruthless. Bear that in mind in the brief moment before the 22mm hits your brain stem (any larger caliber would be inefficient).

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